Tube UK to host Yamaha RIVAGE training event next week

Manchester-based tube UK is holding expanded Yamaha RIVAGE sessions on Monday 15th October at the city’s Albert Hall.

It follows the success of tube’s hands-on introduction to the Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system at the same venue last April.

The sessions are being run in conjunction with Yamaha Commercial Audio and will be an engineering focussed introduction to both the RIVAGE PM7 and PM10 digital mixing systems.

Sessions will begin with an introduction to the key features of the RIVAGE range by Yamaha’s technical staff, after which both systems will be setup in two areas with virtual soundcheck media, to simulate mixing a live show.

The sessions are being held at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm and are strictly on an RSVP, first-come first-served basis. Please email to confirm a preferred time slot.