Elasticsearch Persistent

Opster Team

Last updated: Mar 30, 2021

| 1 min read

In addition to reading this guide, we recommend you run the Elasticsearch Health Check-Up. It will detect issues and improve your Elasticsearch performance by analyzing your shard sizes, threadpools, memory, snapshots, disk watermarks and more.

The Elasticsearch Check-Up is free and requires no installation.


In Elasticsearch, persistent refers to cluster settings that persist across cluster restarts. This setting is used in Cluster Update API calls. Persistent settings can also be configured in the elasticsearch.yml file.


## enable shard routing
PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
        "cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "all"
## enable rebalancing of shards
PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
        "cluster.routing.rebalance.enable" : "all"
## limit the heap size for fielddata
PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
                 “indices.breaker.fielddata.limit”: "30%"

Related log errors to this ES concept

Task failed with an exception
Trying to update state on non-existing task
Failed to remove datafeed persistent task will not auto close job
Persistent task
Attempt to complete task with id in the state
Failed to reassign persistent tasks
Trying to update state on task with unexpected allocation id
Persistent task with id and allocation id failed to create
The task with id was found but it has a different allocation id ; status is not updated
The task wasnt found; status is not updated
Un-assigning persistent tasks :
Ignoring persistent setting ;

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