Explicitly enforcing bootstrap checks – How to solve related issues

Opster Team

Jan-20, Version: 1.7-8.0

Before you begin reading this guide, we recommend you run Elasticsearch Error Check-Up which can resolve issues that cause many errors.

Advanced users might want to skip right to the common problems section in each concept or try running the Check-Up which analyses ES to pinpoint the cause of many errors and provides suitable actionable recommendations how to resolve them (free tool that requires no installation).

Quick Overview

Elasticsearch kicks several bootstrap checks to make sure basic cluster configurations are according to recommendations. And if you see this log, that means it is explicitly doing all checks. For further reading please see – bootstrap checks 

It can be turned on/off using the below steps:

Users can enable/disable all these checks explicitly by setting to true/false in JVM options.


 "es.enforce.bootstrap.checks" : true/false (set either true or false) 

Log Context

Log “Explicitly enforcing bootstrap checks” classname is BootstrapChecks.java.
We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :


        if (enforceLimits) {
            logger.info("bound or publishing to a non-loopback address; enforcing bootstrap checks");
        } else if (enforceBootstrapChecks) {
            logger.info("explicitly enforcing bootstrap checks");

        for (final BootstrapCheck check : checks) {
            final BootstrapCheck.BootstrapCheckResult result = check.check(context);
            if (result.isFailure()) {


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