PSI Audio

Spanish Studio Pentasonic Studios Relies On Swiss Precision Monitors From PSI Audio

Spanish music studio Pentasonic Studios relies on Swiss precision monitors from PSI Audio.

Sergio Peiró’s way into music production began early, starting piano lessons when he was only 6 years old and expanding into percussion later. Today, Peiró runs Pentasonic Studios in Valencia, Spain – his dream studio that he recently equipped with PSI Audio speakers and subwoofers. 

Creative work in a relaxed atmosphere

Pentasonic Studios is an impressive place to behold. Three recording rooms provide enough space and flexibility for pretty much any application, and the control room is centered around an Icon controller for Pro Tools while holding tons of analogue outboard gear in the racks. Even beyond the actual music production facilities, Pentasonic has a lot to offer –a pool, for example!

“I’ve always been obsessed with the idea that the studio has to be a comfortable place that encourages creativity with rest areas, outdoor spaces, and yes, the pool, too,” explains Sergio Peiró. “Although honestly – we don’t use the pool much. There’s usually not much free time during recording sessions for that long-awaited dip.” Even without the swimming, the terrace has its purpose. “Being able to step out onto the terrace, get some fresh air, and disconnect – it’s fabulous. There are also spaces for meals. When I have time, I like to cook typical Valencian dishes like paella. That dish in particular culturally brings people and friends together.”

From workspace to dream studio

Peiró started his career with a studio in his parents’ garage, “like almost everyone.” He then trained with and learned from producers and engineers like Caco Refojo, Oscar Vinader, Chris Lord-Alge, Manuel Tomas, Lulo Perez and Rafa Sardina. “This experience gave me the ability and confidence to literally tear down the studio that I had and build the dream of my life, Pentasonic Studios.” Building a studio from scratch is no small undertaking, of course. “It was absolute madness in terms of design, wiring, and execution. My acoustic engineer Imar Sanmartí from Acousthink did impeccable work. I handled the management and coordination of all the other companies involved in the project, as well as all the design and installation of audio, electrical, video, and data wiring in the studio.” All that work  paid off – the studio is beautiful and sounds great.

Listen first, edit later

When asked for advice for the next generation of producers and engineers, Peiró states: “If I can’t hear it, I can’t equalize it. It may seem like a cliché, but now that I have this workspace I realize how important acoustics and good speakers are.” It is so important for Peiró to have a listening environment that accurately depicts what is happening in the DAW or in the recording rooms.

“A good listening setup helps decide if the mic position needs to be changed, or the mic itself. No need to imagine what the result will sound like in the end.” With that much focus on the listening circumstances, Peiró carefully chooses his monitoring speakers – PSI Audio.

Full range, full accuracy: PSI Audio A25-M and A225-M

After extensive testing, Peiró chose PSI Audio A25-M as his monitors. Asked about his reasoning, he gives three main points:

“Firstly, the PSI Audio speakers don’t cause auditory fatigue in long recording, mixing, or mastering sessions. Secondly, they offer the flat response even at low sound pressure levels, a fundamental aspect if we want to take care of our ears. Finally, the definition in the musical elements lower in the mix is astonishing.”

Gone are the days when cross-listening on other systems was a necessary step in the creative process. “It was impossible to make a proper judgment. Once I left the studio and listened on my AirPods or in the car, I wanted to go back to the studio to make changes. I had to watch peak meters to know if I was overdoing the bass or treble. Fortunately, all of that is now history. My ears and I are grateful for it.”